About Making You Over


You are the Reason for Making You Over – Image Solution.  We are so excited and pleased to assist in helping to WIN in becoming the person you dream of being.  Our team has put together the right program solution for a “Yes you want this” character CHANGE  from where you are now  to the new you.   We have many years of  demonstrated  personal experience in helping others achieve miracles in their lives through personal appearance, behavior, and communication.  Now, let us do the same for YOU.

It’s True you may never get a second chance to make a GREAT first impression.  So make yours count starting now.  Most opinions of impressions of other people may be based on their Etiquette, inclusive to Look – talk or behavior.  Compiled by their clothing, grooming, tone of voice, vocabulary, facial expressions, eye contact, gestures, and social behaviors.  Don’t be a victim of a poor image that could be costly as well as painful.  Make changes now!
At Making You Over Image Consultant, our focus is on YOU (where the need applies).
** While we help you, a portion of the profits will be donated to the very poor families in Africa.

Miracles can Happen! … Start receiving your Miracle of the New & Improved You, today.

Hello!  We are GIVING Back!
(1)  In a effort to help build the future of our young folks in a positive entrepreneur mind-set, a portion of this company’s revenue will be used for training of the young folks purpose. Let’s all help the young folks start building in a professional matter at an early age. Who knows how this could change the WORLD, as we are the WORLD.  Let’s all start something.

(2)  In an effort to help the unfortunate. A portion of this company’s revenue will be used to provide badly needed materials, goods and supplies to the Orphanage and very poor families in Africa.

Meet Our Team

K. P.  Marketing Agent

N. M. Marketing Agent

M. M. Newsletter Agent

N. M. Etiquette Manager

Hello Etiquette!
Let’s (You and me) get together and cleanup our etiquettes and impress the world and grownups.  I am inspired with this company for the opportunity to help young people fine tune their etiquette at an early age.

Eye Contact, Listening skills, Handshakes, Table manners,
Grooming, Study skills, Communication, and Confidence.
“Let’s start making a unbelievable difference”
Ages 7-18